
My husband says I collect kids like old ladies collect cats.

It’s true. I’ve got seven of them. Teens, tweens, and toddlers. Bios, steps and fosters. The only thing missing is a set of multiples. Maybe someday …

Now before you go asking me about my larger-than-average family, let me tell you that big families just have more. We have more of everything, from laughing to hugging to bedtime kisses.

We also have more laundry. That’s about the only part of having a big family I do not completely adore.

It’s also why I call my blog Tales from the Laundry Room.

You see, I spend a lot of time in our laundry room. If anyone has ever had tales to tell about laundry rooms, it would be me. Mostly what I can tell you about washing dirty laundry is that it is a completely mundane chore.

The only chore worse than washing clothes is dusting, and that’s only because it makes me sneeze. (If dirty laundry made me sneeze, then washing clothes would definitely be worse than dusting.)

But over the years, I have found a fascinating thing about laundry rooms. God is there, too. I don’t know why that surprises me so much, but I guess if I were God I wouldn’t go into laundry rooms. Nothing exciting at all happens in there. Just a bunch of sorting clothes and folding towels and mating socks with their matches.

Yet, there He is, right among the stinky clothes.

I find myself pouring out my whiny heart to Him while I throw the sheets into the washer, and while I’m folding a stack of towels He whispers His truths in my heart. Somehow I can hear Him better in the laundry room.

The truth is, I still don’t like the laundry very much. Somehow, discovering that God cares about my laundry room has given me confidence in this truth:

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. ~Deuteronomy 31:8

After all, if God is with me in the middle of the mundane parts of my life, I know He will be with me in the bigger things in life as well.

31 thoughts on “Paige’s Page

    1. India is a far cry from my home in Louisiana … I am so glad you “found” me. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I’m going to head over to your blog and learn more about you as well. Blessings!

  1. Hi Paige! Really love this: “But I am falling head over heels in love with a God who cares enough to meet me in laundry room.” He is so awesome that way. Love the blog!

    1. Thanks, Abby! It’s wonderful when God introduces me to other believers, and shows me more of Himself through them. I loved your blog as well, and followed it. God bless you!

    2. I love this too. Isn’t it so true? God meets us where we are. Today that is in a pile of uncorrected school papers, laundry and a half-stripped bed. I needed this as a reminder that God’s got us in his hands. No matter what’s done or undone or becoming undone…:)

  2. Love this! I actually enjoy laundry…I hang it outside most of the year. I’m in Florida. 🙂 I love finding other believers in the blogosphere! And I agree that God is in all we do – especially the boring tasks that serve others. I’m popping in from the a-z…trying to hit the last of the blogs on the link list. SO glad I found you. I’m liking your fb page so I can stay connected. Come visit me, if you’d like:

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to read it. I just started reading yours and it is very inspiring for me. I am trying to transition from a full time career to a work at home mom (as a writer) and it has been tough. How are you all able to do it? I could use some wise counsel. I would love to be able to take care of my family the way God intended.

    1. It is hard, isn’t it?!

      Let me say that being home full-time to care for my family and focus on being the sort of wife and mother God desires is amazing. My husband and I stepped out in faith 3 1/2 years ago and while it hasn’t been easy financially it has been worth every moment. God has been true to His promise to provide for all of our needs and let me say that sometimes I am blown away by His provision. When God says He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, He is not joking … and my family has been wowed over and over by God’s goodness to give to us blessings we never dreamed.

      That said … I’m not making a single dime as a writer. None. Still unpublished, too. I’m okay with this most days. I figure I’ve got a great boss (God) and I get to write for His glory (not mine). While I would love a paycheck, I can’t complain because I’m living a relatively wonderful life doing the very things I always wanted to do (be a full-time wife, mom and writer).

      I will be praying for you as you continue to seek God in this time of transition. He is so faithful and I know He will continue to lead you! Your blog is fantastic and I’m extremely interested in your journey of faith. I’ll be reading your blog and cheering you on. 🙂

      1. I so appreciate your kind words. The blog has been such an amazing release of the God in me and He is teaching me so much. Just when I think I get it, I don’t! I’m inspired by your words and will continue to read God’s words on your blog. To God be the glory!!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Sweeter Than Honey! I’m looking forward to the bright spot in my morning that I’m sure your blog will bring! Have a great week!

    1. Dianne, thanks for your comment on my other post. It’s always nice to connect with like-minded writers! Your blog is certainly a very sweet place to pause and get refreshed as well!

    1. Wally, you and my husband might get along well. He’s a coffee lover, but could easily live without chocolate. That’s okay with me. It just means I have more chocolate to enjoy as there is no one to try to fight with me over it. 😀

    1. Oh, thank you! That’s such a wonderful compliment. Please excuse my delay in getting back to you and the current lack of writing. We just took in 2 toddler foster children (in addition to the five teens we currently have in our home) and so life is just a little bit crazy at the moment!

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